
DECEMBER 1, 2021

Canada's National Observer

What David Suzuki will do for love, by Luc Rinaldi

This week, a new film, What You Won’t Do For Love, paints a different picture of Suzuki: loving husband, compelling storyteller and, for the first time ever, professional actor…

What would happen, they ask, if we all loved the Earth as much as we love our spouses, our parents, our children?

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NOVEMBER 16, 2021


We joined Torquil Campbell and Ali Momen of Soft Revolution Podcast for an interview with the cast and crew of What You Won't Do For Love, including the inimitable power couple David Suzuki and Tara Cullis on their new foray as actors and how artists are key to solving the climate crisis.

Listen to the podcast →

NOVEMBER 3, 2021


What You Won’t Do For Love” starring David Suzuki & Tara Cullisis an intimate film that shares their love for the planet and each other.

A love letter, a conversation, and an exploration of the deep love between David Suzuki and his life partner of 50 years,Tara Cullis, and how their commitment and loving relationship reflects and empowers their decades-long environmentalactivism, and their love for the planet.

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